Driver Behavior
Monitoring System

ALWAHA’s Driver Behavior Monitoring ensures safe driving habits with real-time updates, promoting responsible driving for your fleet’s security.

Driver Behavior Analysis:

ALWAHA AlMUTAKAMLA Fleet Tracking Solutions includes a Driver Behavior Monitoring feature informing you about your drivers’ operations. This feature provides driving hours reports and speed charts and tracks harsh braking, acceleration, and cornering. You’ll receive SMS and app alerts, allowing you to monitor your rental cars or fleet from anywhere using our user-friendly web-based software and advanced mobile apps.

With ALWAHA’s GPS Tracking, you’ll receive timely alerts for careless driving and traffic rule violations, backed by 24/7 notification and call center support. As a vehicle owner, you’ll gain insights into your driver’s techniques, including harsh speed changes, deviations from designated routes, and less attentive driving.Monitoring harsh driving is a critical safety measure that helps prevent accidents. Get our affordable GPS tracking system and hand over your vehicles with complete peace of mind, knowing you can ensure driver and vehicle safety with our monitoring features.

Over Speed Alerts

Speeding alerts are real-time alerts generated when a vehicle exceeds predefined speed limits. These alerts enable immediate corrective action, reduce accidents, avoid traffic violations, and increase fleet safety.

Harsh cornering

Sharp turn warnings are generated when our system detects sharp or aggressive turns made by the driver. These alerts encourage safe driving habits, reduce vehicle stress, and minimize the risk of accidents caused by aggressive cornering.

Harsh Braking

Hard Brake Warnings are issued when our vehicle monitoring system detects the driver brakes with excessive force. These alerts encourage responsible driving, extend the life of the braking system, and help prevent rear-end collisions.

Driver Surveillance

Driver Surveillance continuously monitors driver behavior to ensure safe and responsible driving habits. This feature increases safety, fuel economy, and overall fleet performance by encouraging better driving practices.

Harsh acceleration

Our vehicle monitoring system triggers A sharp acceleration alert when driver accelerates sharply. These alerts help promote smoother, more fuel-efficient, safer driving practices and reduce vehicle wear and tear.

Driver Assessment

This feature enables the evaluation of driver performance and behavior. Identifies areas for improvement and tailors training programs to promote safer and more efficient driving practices, contributing to more excellent fleet safety and efficiency.


Driver behavior monitoring enhances fleet safety by identifying and addressing risky driving behaviors such as speeding, harsh braking, and aggressive cornering. Providing real-time feedback and alerts encourages safer driving habits, reduces accidents, and helps protect both drivers and vehicles.

Monitoring driver behavior offers several benefits, including improved safety, reduced operational costs, extended vehicle lifespan, better fuel efficiency, enhanced compliance with regulations, and increased overall fleet efficiency.

Yes, driver behavior monitoring is effective in reducing fuel costs. Identifying and curbing fuel-wasting behaviors like excessive speeding and harsh acceleration promotes fuel-efficient driving practices, ultimately leading to cost savings.

Driver behavior monitoring is a crucial component of fleet management. It provides valuable insights into driver performance, enabling fleet managers to make informed decisions, optimize routes, implement targeted training programs, and ensure safety and efficiency across the fleet.